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Foreign diplomas that are automatically recognised in Flanders

Some foreign diplomas are automatically recognised in Flanders. For these diplomas, you do not have to start a recognition procedure because recognition is provided for in the law.

Protected title

Do you hold a for a certain profession? Only then will you need rather than level recognition. Complete the application wizard(opens in new window) so you know which organisation to go to for recognition of your degree.

Belgian qualifications

Qualifications from The Netherlands

Luxembourgish qualifications

The following Luxembourgish study certificates automatically receive level equivalency.

  • In Flanders, the Luxembourgish brevet de technicien supérieur or the diplôme d’études supérieures générales is automatically recognised as equivalent in level to the ‘gegradueerde’ diploma or degree awarded in higher vocational education.
  • Luxembourgish Diplômes de bachelor are automatically recognised in Flanders as equivalent in level to Flemish bachelors.
  • Luxembourgish Diplômes de master are automatically recognised in Flanders as equivalent in level to Flemish masters.
  • Luxembourgish Diplômes de doctorat are automatically recognised in Flanders as equivalent in level to Flemish doctoral degrees.

This automatic recognition only refers to the recognition of the level of these study certificates. If you are seeking recognition of equivalence to a specific Flemish certificate, you must start a recognition procedure with NARIC-Vlaanderen. Not sure about the type of recognition you need? Then go through the NARIC-Vlaanderen application wizard(opens in new window).

Legislation: MB van 29 januari 2015 tot vastlegging van de algemene gelijkwaardigheid van het International Baccalaureate Diploma/Diplôme du Baccalauréat International en het Europees baccalaureaatsdiploma met het diploma van secundair onderwijs (Vlaamse Codex) (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

International qualifications

International Baccalaureate and European Baccalaureate

  • The International Baccalaureate Diploma or Diplôme du Baccalauréat International awarded by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva is automatically recognised as equivalent to the Flemish certificate of secondary education.
  • The European Baccalaureate is automatically recognised as equivalent to the Flemish certificate of secondary education.

Legislation: MB van 29 januari 2015 tot vastlegging van de algemene gelijkwaardigheid van het International Baccalaureate Diploma/Diplôme du Baccalauréat International en het Europees baccalaureaatsdiploma met het diploma van secundair onderwijs (Vlaamse Codex) (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

Qualifications awarded by the European University Institute in Florence

Diplomas from the European University Institute with equivalent Flemish level recognition

Diploma of the European University Institute

Recognised in Flanders as

Master in Comparative, European and International Law

Gediplomeerde in de gespecialiseerde studies (GGS) in het studiegebied rechten

Doctor of History and Civilization

Doctor in de geschiedenis

Doctor of Economics

Doctor in de economische wetenschappen

Doctor of Laws

Doctor in de rechten

Doctor of Political and Social Science

Doctor in de politieke en sociale wetenschappen

Legislation: Art 1 t.e.m. 5 - Besluit van de Vlaamse regering van 22 maart 2002 tot vastlegging van de algemene gelijkwaardigheid van de diploma’s uitgereikt door het “European University Institute Firenze” met Vlaamse academische graden (JUSTEL) (in Dutch)(opens in new window)

Qualifications from the Baltic states

On 1 May 2024, the ‘Treaty on automatic mutual recognition of higher education diplomas’ entered into force. The Benelux countries (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg) and the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) now automatically recognise the level of each other’s diplomas. This means that it is no longer necessary to apply for recognition with NARIC-Vlaanderen when you wish to have the level of your degree recognised. Check out the benefits of the treaty for you as an applicant in this video: Benelux-Baltic cooperation in higher education: Automatic recognition of qualifications (YouTube) (in Dutch)(opens in new window).