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Contesting your decision from NARIC-Vlaanderen

What if you have applied for recognition of equivalence of your foreign diploma and the decision does not meet your expectations?

There are several options.

Did you not get the recognition you requested? Then you have several options.
  • Obtain the desired diploma by taking additional training

    • Check the website of Onderwijskiezer. There you can find out which courses exist in Flanders (in Dutch)(opens in new window) and which institutions you can apply to.
    • Based on your experience, your foreign diploma or other diplomas, you may receive exemptions for some course units.
      Do you think you are entitled to exemptions based on the skills you have acquired? If so, contact the college or university where you want to take your course.
  • Apply for recognition of your diploma at a lower level

    Submit a new application for recognition of the same study certificate at a lower level within 6 months.

    • In most cases, NARIC-Vlaanderen does this automatically. If this is not the case, you will be informed of this on your decision letter.
    • The recognition of the same study certificate at a lower level can be done simply by contacting your case handler. Then you will not have to pay again.
  • Additional documents refuting the grounds for the decision

    Apply for a review of the decision using the ‘Request for review form (in Dutch)(PDF file opens in new window)’.

    • Do this within 6 months of receiving the letter with the decision from NARIC-Vlaanderen.
    • Send the completed form to your case handler. Send additional documents that can refute all elements of the negative decision.
  • Did a clerical error occur in the handling of your file?

    For example, if the (diploma) name on the decision is wrong or if certain documents were overlooked.

    Submit a request for reconsideration to NARIC-Vlaanderen.

    • Do this within 30 days of receiving the letter with the decision from NARIC-Vlaanderen
    • Send a registered letter to:
      Hendrik Conscience Building
      Koning Albert II-laan 15 box 129
      1210 BRUSSELS
  • You disagree with the reasoning behind the decision

    File an appeal. The level of your diploma determines where you should submit an appeal.