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Kids-ID: Electronic identity document for children under twelve years of age

The Kids-ID is an electronic identity document for Belgian children under the age of twelve.

  • It contains all your child’s identity details as well as their photo.
  • It also states the names of the parents.
  • The data is visible on the ID and is also stored on an electronic chip.

The Kids-ID is not mandatory within Belgium, but it is for trips abroad. The ID is

  • valid in most European countries and in some countries outside Europe. In some countries, the child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or have parental consent.
  • mandatory in all countries where no travel pass is required, i.e. where you can travel as an adult with your identity card without requiring a passport.

The Kids-ID is more than just an identity and travel document. Thanks to the ‘Hello Parents’ service, the ID offers children additional protection in emergencies. ‘Hello Parents’ makes it possible to contact the parents (or family, friends, neighbours, etc.) by telephone when the child is in an emergency.

Children from the age of six can also use the ID for safe surfing and chatting on the Internet. They can identify themselves online using their Kids-ID and a PIN, but they cannot sign documents online.


If you want to apply for a Kids-ID, you must meet certain conditions:

  • you must have parental authority over the child and
  • you must apply for the Kids-ID together with the child.

Passport photo

If your local council doesn’t take passport photos you will have to bring your own photo. The passport photo you bring must be maximum six months old and comply with the standards imposed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (PDF). It is important that the child’s face is clearly visible. The child must look straight into the lens with a neutral facial expression (mouth closed, no smile).

Validity period

A Kids-ID is always valid for three years. It remains valid until its expiry date, even if your child has turned twelve in the meantime. Every Belgian automatically receives an electronic identity card (eID) at that age.

Children who turn twelve and still have a valid Kids-ID will only receive an invitation to apply for an eID three months before their Kids-ID expires.

The Kids-ID does not need to be replaced when the child moves. The address is stated on the chip only and can therefore be updated by the municipality to which the child will move.


Applying for a Kids-ID (on your own initiative)

  • The application is made on the parents’ initiative and is only mandatory if you take your child abroad.
  • You request the Kids-ID from the local council of the municipality in which the child is registered. The child must be present at the time of the application.
  • It takes two to three weeks to make a Kids-ID. This may take longer in busy periods. Therefore, you should request the Kids-ID in good time, preferably one month before you leave on your trip.
  • Anyone who applies for the Kids-ID too late can use the fast track procedure, but this costs more. Contact your local council as soon as possible to initiate the fast track procedure.

Has the Kids-ID been stolen? Then you must first report the theft of the Kids-ID to the police of the place where the theft took place (or to the local police of your municipality) and then to your own municipality.

Please note! A passport or ID that has been reported stolen or lost is no longer valid. Even if the document is found again, you cannot use it any longer.

Collecting the Kids-ID

  • When you have applied for a Kids-ID, you will receive the following codes by post:
    • a PUK to activate the card,
    • a PIN to use the ID for electronic applications (as from six years of age),
    • and a ‘contact parents’ code to activate the ‘Hello Parents’ cascade system.
  • Please bring the codes with you when you collect the Kids-ID. The child does not need to be present when the codes are activated at the town hall.

Belgian children living abroad

Belgian children under the age of twelve who live abroad can obtain a Kids-ID from the Belgian consular post where they are registered. However, the delivery time will be longer.

As of 21 June 2021, Belgian municipalities can also handle Kids-ID applications for Belgian children registered in a consular population register. Both parents must be present at the time of the application and they must both sign the application form. Only the fast track procedure is possible, whereby the ID and corresponding codes are delivered to the municipality (the codes are not sent separately to the home address).


The following persons must be present to apply for a Kids-ID:

  • at least one of the parents with parental authority over the child,
  • and the child (or children) for whom the Kids-ID is requested.

You must bring the following documents for the application:

  • electronic identity card (eID) of the parent requesting the Kids-ID,
  • if the local council doesn’t take passport photos: one recent colour passport photo (maximum six months old) of the child that meets the requirements for passport photos.

When you collect the Kids-ID, you must bring the following documents with you:

  • the letter you received in the post with the PIN and PUK and,
  • if applicable, the previous Kids-ID