ready. You are currently on: Flemish training leave

Flemish training leave

Employees in the private sector are entitled, under certain conditions, to Flemish training leave (Dutch: Vlaams opleidingsverlof/VOV). They may be absent from work in order to follow a training course, while their salary continues to be paid. The employer can obtain compensation in the form of a fixed amount.

Target group/association


If you want to follow a training course and wish to take Flemish training leave (VOV) for this, you must, when starting that training, be employed for a minimum of 50%, in the private sector in the Flemish Region.

The training you want to follow must be registered in the ‘Training course database of Flemish training incentives' (in Dutch).

You must undertake to follow the course conscientiously. This means that you must

  • attend the lessons to a sufficient extent
  • and/or participate in the final assessment, if that is provided.


  1. Check whether you satisfy all the conditions for taking Flemish training leave (VOV).
  2. Notify the training provider that you wish to make use of VOV.
  3. Submit the registration certificate to your employer.
  4. Calculate with your employer the number of hours of VOV and schedule the leave.
  5. Follow the training conscientiously.

Financial advantage

You are entitled to payment of your salary up to a maximum of 3,364 euros gross per month for the hours/days that you were on training leave.